International movie database films action

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    International movie database films action

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  • The Best International Action Movies of the s, Ranked


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    The U.S. is well-known for its action movies, although some of the greatest films of the genre have come from abroad.

    Asian action films are hailed as some of the standouts of the genre, from Akira Kurosawa to Jackie Chan to Johnnie To. European film has generally had more of a reputation for arthouse and experimentalism — but that doesn’t mean those genres can’t blend with action as well.

    Whether it's with a comedic bent, edge-of-your-seat thrills, or dark grit, the action films of the s were wonderful around the world.

    Many a franchise was spawned in this decade, and a number of new names and faces both in front of and behind the camera were brought to light. The world of action cinema is enriched by foreign pictures, as windows into different cultures can be the starting point for some of the best stories out there.

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