Zahir mahmood umar ibn khattab biography
Life of umar ibn khattab...
Zahir mahmood umar ibn khattab biography
Umar bin Al-khattab(ra) Series 1
Role Model: Umar ibn al Khattab Alhamdulillah Wa Salatu Wa Salaamu Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Salim The Prophet (saw) said in a hadith: “The best generation is mine, then the one after and the one after that”.
Meaning the Sahaba, The Tabi’een and Tabi Tabi’een. So by looking at the example of the Sahaba (ra) we can take lessons. Allaah Azzawajal says, “O you who believe donot let death approach you except in state of Taqwa”. We ask Allaah Azzawajal to give us all Taqwa [ameen].
In Sunan al-Baghawi Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu says whoever is going to follow a path should follow the path of one who died because the living could fail in their trial those are the companions of Muhammad (saw).Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud (ra) is telling the Tabee’n who are the second greatest generation, he is telling them “don’t follow the life living among you, even though they might be Awliyah of Allaaz Azzawajal, some of them might be virtuou