President fox biography

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  • Mexican president fox!

    President fox biography

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  • Mexican president fox
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  • Presidency of Vicente Fox

    President of Mexico from 2000 to 2006

    Vicente Fox served as President of Mexico from December 1, 2000, to November 30, 2006. His victory in the federal elections in 2000 ended more than 70 years rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.


    In contrast with his predecessors,[1] President Fox chose the members of his cabinet through head hunters.[2][3] At the beginning of his term, Fox dubbed his Cabinet as "el gabinetazo" ("the Super Cabinet"), as a way to recognize the capacity of the Cabinet members.[4] Fox had originally stated that the Cabinet chosen at the beginning of his term would last 6 years, throughout his term, however, this did not happen.[5] Felipe Calderón Hinojosa served as Secretary of Energy for eight months, and resigned under pressure relating to his Presidential ambitions,[6][7] when competing against Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel.&#