Air force biography regulation basketball
Official air force biography format.
Air force biography regulation basketball
To prove you have the physical endurance to handle the Air Force academy, there are six tests you must pass the equipment you’ll need exercise clothing, one situp mat, 1100 foot tape measure, two stopwatches, one to record each event and one to record the test as a whole, one regulation men’s basketball, a pullup bar and a 1 mile flat running surface.
All tests are administered consecutively with specific start, finish and rest times. The administrator will read the instructions verbatim before the start of the test. At the completion of each test, the administrator will record the results on the last page of the CFA instructions.
Once all tests have been scored, the administrator must complete the instructions provided in the correspondence sent by email.
Before the basketball throw test begins, administrators need to extend the tape measure the length of the testing area perpendicular to the throwing line in an overhead throwing motion.
Throw the basketball as far as