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  • Mauricio Kuri, Youthful actor in 'For Greater Glory,' Talks About the Film and His Faith

    The movie challenges us to wonder if we could be modern-day Cristeros

    Few know the incredible story regarding the last major uprising in North America:  the Cristero War in Mexico that just a few decades ago secured greater religious freedom for millions.

    Though fought for only three years, this roiling civil war left thousands of people dead on both sides.

    WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) - Until stories about the new movie, "For Greater Glory," started showing up online and in print, very few of us had ever even heard of Cristiada, also called the Cristero War, in Mexico during the 1920's.

    Now, not only has the war become a popular topic of discussion, but also parallels are being explored comparing early 20th Century Mexico and the United States of today by many.

    The Cristero War was about religious freedom - especially for Catholics - when Mexico's newly elected President, Plutarco Ca