Caral gimbal biography channel
Caral gimbal biography channel
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Caral Glazier (Gimbel) Lebworth (1914 - 2008)
CaralGlazierLebworth formerly Gimbel aka Lasker, Greenberg
Born in New York City, New York, United States
Ancestors Daughter of Bernard Furstman Gimbel and Alva Bella (Bernheimer) Gimbel
Sister of Bruce Alva Gimbel, Hope (Gimbel) Solinger, Peter Robin Gimbel and David Alva Gimbel
Wife of Henry Benjamin Greenberg — married 18 Feb 1946 (to 1958) [location unknown]
[children unknown]
Died at age 93in New York City, New York, United States
Profile last modified | Created 5 Jan 2020
This page has been accessed 332 times.
Caral was born in 1914.
She was the daughter of Bernard Gimbel and Alva Bernheimer. She passed away in 2008.
Heiress to Gimbel Bros millions
- Edward Lasker, m. 1 February 1935, div. 1945
- Henry Benjamin Greenberg, m.
Caral gimbal biography channel 7
18 February 1946 , div. 1958
- Joseph Lebworth, m. 1962
- Caral Glazier Gimbel Lebworth (1914-2008) on Find A Gr